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Good News Assembly: Feb. 21, 2025

Good News

The first Friday of each month, NJSHS has a Good News assembly to highlight some of the good things that have happened involving our students. Here is the latest news, presented by Principal Andrew Korman.

Purpose of Good News Assembly

Goal 2: Foster a positive and collaborative culture characterized by cohesion, morale, and a caring, respectful, and trusting environment for all.

Core Values: kindness, respect, perseverance, responsibility, integrity

I hear that we have some new legal NH drivers in the room: Congratulations to Jason Williams, Aidan Wu, Matt Woods, and Ava Zundell…Be safe out there, especially in this weather. 

We have some new college acceptances to mention: 

  • Nate Macoul was accepted to Plymouth State & Keene State 
  • Aidan Barber was accepted into UNH 
  • Gwen Stackpole was just accepted into the Maine College of Art 
  • Liliana Santeramo was not only accepted but has chosen to go to Keene State College. Congratulations to you all! 

Two of our students were recently recognized for their writing talents and announced as winners of the NH Scholastic Arts and Writing Contest. Freshman Stella Carpenter earned Honorable Mention in two categories: Novel Writing and Poetry. And junior Sophia DiPippo earned a Silver Key for her poetry submission. That’s a great accomplishment so congratulations to you both. 

Freshman Isabella Sharpe was recognized by her peers in SALT as Student of the Month for January. Congrats Isabella. 

I have to give a shout out to sophomore Brennan Zhe and senior Olivia Blackadar for helping to present at eighth-grade parent night a couple of weeks ago. Brennan and Olivia represented the NHS student body with integrity and kindness in front of a bunch of eighth-rade parents and for that, I thank you both.

On the topic of integrity and kindness, I always appreciate when a teacher mentions to me a student who embodies our Core Values. A student was recently mentioned to me because she displays true perseverance with her academics and embodies all five of our Newmarket core values. Ms. Kallie Bennett, stand up and take a bow. 

I understand a lot of you do a lot for our local and school community and not everything gets mentioned here. But when it’s brought to my attention, I certainly want to give you some public recognition, so anyone can let me know when good stuff is happening. You can email me or see me at any time throughout the day. And you can let any of your teachers know too, they’ll make sure I hear about it.

That being said, I want to give a shout out and thank you to the following students: Jillian Long, Allie Perry, Amaya Beckles, Kaya Dobberstein, Spencer Bozek, Swayer Hill, Sienna Yim, Magnolia Redmond and Emerson Haemker, who helped out with the Multicultural Potluck dinner a few weeks ago. The NES teachers, parents and students were very happy to have high schoolers helping with the event. It was a great way to help out our local community.

Every year, members of the counseling office organize a clothing drive for the Newmarket community. This year, there have been several students helping out preparing for the annual thrift store event: Nate Atwell, Reilley Hoffman, Lilly Leblanc, Liliana Martinez, Mairead Moore, Paige Stefanowicz, and Payton Yarusites. I appreciate your help and the Newmarket community will also appreciate the work you put in.

And it appears we have a badminton master in our presence. Anthony Semprini not only won the singles badminton tournament in his class, but he also won the doubles himself! 

Our winter sports season is wrapping up, but there are a few things worthy of mention: 

  • At the Division 2 State Indoor Track Championship, Eilis Mckenna broke her previous school record in the 3000 meters by 17 seconds, running a 10:52.89. She will be running at Indoor New Englands on March 1 so good luck to you. Eilis was also selected to the D2 All State Team.
  • We have some swim team news to report. Several of our swimmers recently competed at the state meet. Let’s start with Aiden Wu, who swam in the 100m breaststroke at the State Swim Meet and placed 9th. Aiden was then joined by Matt Woods, Aiden Fournier and Brandyn Duran-Chongo in the men’s 200 and 400 freestyle relay where they placed 7th and 6th, respectively, and if I understand correctly, you guys were only one second off the school record in the 200? Seeing that you’re all returning next year, I see a new school record in your future. 
  • Also in swim team news, Anika Benson qualified for and competed in the 50m and 100m breaststroke at the NH State Swim meet. Anika placed fifth in the 50 and 9th in the 100. Congratulations Anika and all of our entire Newmarket Swim Team on a great season. 
  • Mr. Will Clark. Rumor has it that you have an unbelievable save percentage in hockey? Is this true?
  • Both our basketball teams finished 4th in the D4 regular season. We will host home playoff
  • games starting next week. The boys will host Franklin on Monday and the girls will host Hinsdale on Tuesday.

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