October 4, 2019
Don’t you just love this time of year in New Hampshire? The colors are becoming more vivid and the morning air feels crisp and clean. As the mornings get cooler and the days are slow to warm, your children will need a jacket while waiting for the bus in the morning. They also go out for recess before lunch and sometimes while waiting for the start of the school day. Please remind them to put on a sweatshirt, or jacket when they are leaving your home in the morning.
Parent Drop Off & Pick Up:
Thank you for your patience as we ironed out our morning drop off and afternoon parent pick up. I’m sure you will agree that moving this process to the back loop road has made this a smooth routine for everyone involved. Just a reminder, if you’re picking up your child, please place their name on the passenger side of your front dash. It’s also a great help when parents pull forward when gaps develop in the line of cars.
Spaghetti Supper:
It’s time to mark your calendar for our Spaghetti Supper and Cake Auction. This annual event will be held on October 17th from 5:00 to 6:30pm. Fliers have been sent home allowing you to pre-order your tickets. All proceeds from this event are used for our P.E. enrichment programs like Swimming, Archery and Bowling, to just name a few. We look forward to seeing you there.
PTA Fall Fundraiser:
The PTA’s annual fall fundraiser runs from September 30th to October 15th. This year the PTA is partnering with MCM Fundraising to sell Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough and Lyman pies. Proceeds will support the many events here at NES, including Unplugged Week, Drama Club, our tower gardens, third grade swim lessons and fieldtrips for all grade levels! A flyer regarding this fundraiser was sent home last week. If you need a new copy, feel free to reach out to the front office.
Hot Shot Jump Rope:
Jump rope is underway for all students at NES. Students should wear loose clothes and sneakers when attending practice. On the day of their grade level practice, students should report to the gym at the 3:05pm bell. The practice schedule is as follows:
Mondays – Grade 2
Wednesdays – Grades 4 & 5
Thursdays – Grade 3
Fridays – Grade 1
All practices run from 3:10 to 4:00 pm. Sign- ups are ongoing. Registration forms and uniform order forms can be found on the school’s website under the Activities link.
Bikers & Walkers
If you would like your child to bike or walk to and from school, we need to have your permission in writing. A permission slip that is good for the year went home at the beginning of the school year. If you need a new one, please let the office know. Please remember any child riding to school needs to wear a helmet as required by NH Law.
Lost & Found:
Has your child lost a glove, coat, boots or shoes? A hat? A lunchbox? Items that are left and found on campus are placed in the lost and found located outside the cafeteria. The school receptionist keeps smaller items, such as money or jewelry. If a lost item has a name on it, it will be returned to the child's classroom. Please label your child's belongings it's the best way to be sure it gets returned quickly. Lost and Found items not claimed by their owner by the end of the month will be donated to local organizations on a monthly basis.
Parent Notes:
I would like to remind parents to send in a note to your child’s classroom teacher if your child’s end of the day plan is going to vary from their normal routine. We need notes if your child is riding a different bus home, will be in parent pick up or needs to be dismissed early from school. If you need to contact the school with any last minute change in plans, please try to contact the school by 2:00 pm. This will allow the office staff to share this information with your child’s teacher in a timely manner. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Absences or Tardies:
If your child is going to be absent or tardy from school, please contact the school by leaving a message in the school’s attendance voice mailbox by pressing 1.
Up Coming Events
October 11th – Parent Teacher Conferences (No School)
October 14th – Columbus Day (No School)
October 15th - Fall Fundraiser Packets Due
October 23rd – School Picture Retakes
November 5th – PTA Meeting (6:30pm – Media Center)
There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, October 14th
in observance of Columbus Day
January 10, 2019
Welcome to Newmarket Elementary!
Dear Parents and Students:
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Newmarket Elementary
School. We look forward to working with you to ensure your child’s educational
experience provides them with the opportunity to grow academically, socially and
emotionally. We believe positive collaboration between you and your child’s
teachers play a vital role in ensuring your child will have a successful school year.
By working together, we can provide your child with a solid educational foundation for
the future.
Our newly designed website is a wonderful resource for you to refer to
throughout the school year. This site will allow you to keep up-to-date on what is
happening in our school. Additionally, you will find a wealth of valuable
information about school procedures, services, after-school activities, and
classroom information. Please keep in mind our website is still under
development and some links are still under construction but will become active
in the near future. We are interested in hearing from you with any suggestions
you have regarding the website and the information found within.
Sean Pine