ESOL: English Language Learner Program
What is ESOL?
ESOL is a state and federal mandated program for students who speak or have a second language spoken at home. The ESOL program strives to assist students in assimiliating into the school environment with the ultimate objective of maximizing student performance and improving English language skills. The program also strives to establish a connection with the families in an attempt to involve them into the school community. This dual approach assures that ESOL students and their families become involved in the school community to the greatest extent possible.
How are students identified for ESOL services?
A Home Language Survey is completed at the time of school registration. If there is an indication of a language other than English, the form is forwarded to the ESOL teacher. After a review of information, the student’s English skills are assessed with either the W-APT or the MODEL. Eligibility for services is based on those test results. Parents may not opt-out of this initial assessment
If ESOL services are recommended, is participation required?
No, parents may choose to decline ESOL services for their child, but under Federal law, if the child is eligible for ESOL, the child must take an annual assessment (ACCESS) until their scores indicate English proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
How are students exited from ESOL identification?
Whether or not a student receives ESOL services, annual testing is required by Federal law and New Hampshire State Standards for English Language Learners. The state of New Hampshire uses the ACCESS to fulfill these requirements. During the winter, students eligible for ESOL services are assessed in the four language areas: Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing. Students must score a composite of no less than 5.0 with no language domain score less than 4.0 to be considered proficient in the English language.
What is Title III?
Title III is a federal grant program that provides financial assistance to school districts to ensure that children who are limited English proficient attain English proficiency and meet the same challenging state academic content all children are expected to meet.
For more information, visit
Mission of the ESOL Department
The primary mission of the ESOL Department is to facilitate English language acquisition for students for whom English is not the first language. This is achieved through ESOL instructional classes, pull-out, and/or in class services.
The ESOL Department complies with state standards for English language acquisition, the World Class Instructional Design and Assessment Consortium Standards (WIDA), and uses these standards in conjunction with the fundamental principles of second language acquisition in order to provide the most beneficial learning environment possible to the student.
The ESOL Department also works to promote multi-cultural awareness in classrooms across the school district, and parental involvement in schools and the community.
ESOL Links and Resources
Students and Parents
Professional Organizations
Listening and Speaking Bilingual Resource
ACCESS Testing Schedule for the ESOL students
- 5th grade ACCESS Testing week of 2/21-2/24
- 1st grade ACCESS Testing week of 3/8-3/11
- 3rd grade ACCESS Testing week of 3/8-3/11
- Kindergarten ACCESS Testing week of 3/22-3/25
ESOL Faculty

Teacher, ESOL
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