NES Title 1 Parent Involvement Plan, 2021-2022
Our goal is to partner with parents to make their children’s educational experience at Newmarket a success. Newmarket Elementary School will provide many opportunities for communication between parents and staff, as well as opportunities for parents to be involved in their child’s education. Teachers, parents and students pledge their commitment each year by signing the Title I Parent Compact, a document that defines the role of all stakeholders in each child’s learning.
Meetings with parents will be held and surveys will be sent home in order to receive suggestions for improving our school program and meeting parental needs. Our school website will provide current information to our parents and community. Copies of our Parent Involvement Plan will be sent to all families in appropriate languages.
Parents will be kept informed about student progress through conferences and documented progress reports. Our Title I newsletter will be sent home once a month to all Title I parents. Parent interest and involvement in students’ learning is essential. Here are some events to mark into your calendar:
November 9, 2021: 6:30- Title I Parent meeting on Zoom
Parent-Teacher Conferences when requested
Date to be determined- Title I Survey Night
As always, parents are welcome to be a part of the PTO and volunteer at the school. The PTO and Exeter Adult Education are two excellent opportunities for parents to gain valuable parenting information.
If you have any questions or concerns about the Title I program, please bring any issues to Debra Black, Assistant Superintendent of Schools and Federal Grants Manager
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