Title I
Title I is a federally-funded program that provides additional instruction in reading and math for eligible K-5 students.
Title 1 Resources
District or School Report Card Online Access
District Data Profiles:
- New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) required statewide assessment
- NH Alternate Learning Progressions (NH ALPs): New Hampshire’s statewide alternate assessment for students who meet the qualifying criteria for participation and who cannot meaningfully participate in the statewide general assessment even with accommodations
- Combined Statewide Assessment Results combined results from the NECAP and NH ALPs
- Follow The Child Growth Reports summary results of the number of students meeting individual performance targets (2006-2007 through 2010-2011)
- Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) federally mandated accountability reports
Like the No Child Left Behind Act, ESSA is a re-authorization of the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act, which established the federal government's expanded role in public education. The Every Student Succeeds Act passed both chambers of Congress with bipartisan support.
ESSA requires states to use other indicators of student achievement and school quality. These include student and educator engagement, school climate, access to and completion of advanced coursework, and post-secondary readiness. Other possibilities include other measures that can be replicated statewide.
Title I, Part A (Title I) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended (ESEA) provides financial assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards.
Title I instructors use referral information to set goals for each Title I student. Parent input is invited for the setting or revising of these goals.
The goals are sent home within a month of the student being accepted into the Title I program. Title I instructors work together with classroom teachers to complete report cards.
The Title I instructor meets with parents at least once a year. This meeting occurs in conjunction with the classroom teacher conferences whenever possible.
The Title I instructors are available for other meetings as well. Parents of Title I students are invited to schedule a time to join their child’s Title I session at any time throughout the school year.
Newmarket School District Homeless Liasion:
Erica MacNeil
Assistant Superintendent of Schools
186 A Main Street
Newmarket, NH. 03957
Information is on the District bulletin board located on the top floor of the Town Hall as well as posted in each school building.
Additional info:
Title X Part C, Homeless Children and Youth
A parent must sign a permission form before a child can participate in the Title I Program at Newmarket Elementary School.
The form will include the name of the Title I tutor and it will indicate if this tutor is a paraprofessional or a certified teacher.
Along with this form, parents are provided with the parent Information Policy, the Learning Compact, the description of the school curriculum, and an explanation of the assessments used to measure the student’s progress.
Please download the form below:
Concerns about the Title I program should be brought to the attention of the district’s Title I project manager.
Unresolved issues can be addressed through the New Hampshire Department of Education on a form available through the Title I project manager.
Every effort is made to ensure Title I communications are clear to those parents who are learning English as a second language. The English as a Second Language teacher may be called upon to assist with the communication.
Please download the information below for an explanation on how students are ranked for Title I services in both reading and math.
Title 1 Faculty
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