Dear parents, caregivers, teachers and community members,
Over the last few weeks there has been a lot of illness percolating in our schools. Hopefully a week off from school for break will allow us all to rest up and get healthy. The February vacation week always seems to be well-timed from a health and wellness standpoint. I hope all enjoy a needed break.
Looking ahead, the school and town elections will be happening right after we return from break. Voting will take place at the Town Hall on Tuesday, March 11th from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. If you would like to learn more about Newmarket School District issues please visit our website at this link.
On our website you will find a detailed budget narrative, our capital improvement plan, a one page flyer with basic facts about the school election and some short informational videos describing the issues to be voted on on March 11th.
Have a great February Break everyone!
Todd Allen, Newmarket Superintendent