Bus Routes
Families: For all transportation-related questions, please contact First Student at (603) 778-6900.

Rules for Riders
Be safe.
Stay seated and keep the aisle clear.
Be social.
Talk and and enjoy each other's company. Just keep the noise at a reasonable level.
Be smart.
Keep your whole body inside the bus. That means no waving arms or legs out the window. Ditto for yelling or throwing things - please don't do that.
Be a helper.
Pick up after yourself.
Be respectful.
Let the driver focus on keeping everyone safe and getting to and from school on time.
Be a regular.
The only place you may get off the bus is at your scheduled stop. To get off at a different stop, you'll need a written note from your parent/guardian and permission from the Principal.
Think ahead.
If you need to bring something big and bulky on the bus, ask the driver for permission beforehand.
Something to be clear about:
If you deface or damage a bus, you or your family will have to pay the cleaning and repair costs.
Remember, riding the bus is a privilege.
If you choose not to follow these rules, then you may lose this privilege and/or face other disciplinary consequences.
Teaching Bus Safety: Tips for Parents and Caregivers
Prepare your child.
Practice walking to the bus stop if riding the bus will be a new experience.
Practice punctuality.
Make sure your child is at their stop five minutes before the bus is due.
Identify where to wait.
Stand away from the road while waiting for the bus to arrive.
Be clear about who's in charge.
Let your child know that the bus driver is in charge and that the driver might tell students which seats to use.
Teach them how to cross the road safely.
Wait until the bus has stopped and the driver has motioned that it's ok to cross. Then cross the road in front of (never behind) the bus.
Make a connection.
Become acquainted with your child’s bus driver. The driver is an important member of your child's educational team and has a big impact on how your child's school day begins and ends.
Keep it supervised.
Remember: It's your responsibility to supervise your child at the bus stop. Make supervision a shared endeavor by forming a group with other parents or guardians whose children wait at the same stop.
The little ones need an adult at the stop.
Students in K-2 need to have an adult waiting for them in order to be allowed off at their bus stop. If no adult is there, then the bus will bring the child back to school. The school will call the parents to pick up their child.
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